997 St. Sebastian Way Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-6597
1446 Harper Street Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-5437 (KIDS)
1003 Chafee Ave. Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-2426
1447 Harper Street Augusta, GA 30912-5536 706-721-CARE (2273)
1120 15th Street Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-2273 (CARE)
1411 Laney Walker Blvd. Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-6744
1430 John Wesley Gilbert Drive Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-2696
821 St. Sebastian Way Augusta, GA 30912 706-721-2971
1220 West Wheeler Pkwy Augusta, GA 30909
Planning to travel takes time and special preparation. Listed in the directory below are some considerations that will need to be made before you travel, for which we have provided a brief overview.
Routine Vaccination Recommendations
Special Vaccination Requirements
Traveler's Checklist
Traveler's First Aid Kit
Cruise Ships
Air Travel