Lead Poisoning
The danger of lead poisoning
According to the EPA, lead poisoning, once a major environmental health hazard, has declined greatly since the 1970s and continues to decrease. However, about 500,000 children under age 5 in the U.S. have elevated levels of lead in their blood.
The Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention states that children with the highest risk of having elevated blood lead levels live in metropolitan areas and in housing built before 1978. Additional risk factors include being from low-income families and being of African-American or Hispanic origin.
What causes lead poisoning?
Ingesting dust from deteriorating lead-based paint is the most common cause of lead poisoning among children. Other sources of lead poisoning are dust and soil that are contaminated with lead from old paint and from past emissions of leaded gasoline, tap water in homes that have lead pipes, paint, and dust chips from old toys, furniture, and certain hobby materials.
In early 2005, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a new policy addressing lead in children’s metal jewelry. There have been cases where children who swallowed or repeatedly sucked on jewelry items containing lead developed high blood lead levels. Since 2004, the Commission has recalled over 150 million pieces of toy jewelry that were sold in vending machines and through other outlets.
Who is at risk for lead poisoning?
The following people are most at risk for lead poisoning:
Children between the ages of 1 and 3
Children in low-income families
Mexican Americans
Persons living in large metropolitan areas
Persons living in older housing
Persons living in housing built before 1978
What are the effects of lead in the body?
If not detected early, children with high levels of lead in their bodies can suffer from the following:
In adults, lead poisoning may cause the following:
Difficulties during pregnancy
Reproductive problems in both men and women
High blood pressure
Digestive disorders
Memory and concentration problems
Muscle and joint pain
High levels of lead may also cause seizures, coma, and death. The symptoms of lead poisoning may resemble other medical conditions or problems. Always consult your doctor for a diagnosis.
How is lead poisoning detected?
A simple blood test can detect high levels of lead in the body. It is important for people, especially children under 2 years of age and/or people living in an older home to have the blood test.