Baby Signs Program

More Sign, Say & Play™
MORE Sign, Say & Play classes are an extension of our Sign, Say & Play™ classes for babies and parents. These classes follow the familiar Sign, Say & Play format with fun songs, games and activities that introduce 36 new signs from these important themes:
- Feelings
- Outside
- Safety
- Farm
- Zoo
- Birthday
Cost is $47.50 per baby plus $40 for class materials.
Fee includes the Sign, Say & Play™ Starter Kit:
- BeeBo’s Playhouse
- Baby BeeBo plush toy
- Sign Along with BeeBo DVD
- BeeBo’s Big Birthday Surprise lift-the-flap book
- If You’re Happy and You Know It songbook and CD
Please call 706-721-6929 for more information.
To register for a More Sign, Say & Play, please complete the registration form and return with payment to the address on the form.