
Peyton's Story

In December 2012, Holly Pilcher found herself facing devastating news about her 5-month-old baby Peyton. On Christmas day instead of waking up with smiles and giggles, Peyton woke up screaming with a bloated tummy. "A couple of days later," says Holly, "I was changing her diaper, and I felt her side, and it was rock hard. I knew that wasn't normal." The pediatric oncologists and staff at the Children's Hospital of Georgia, quickly diagnosed Peyton with hepatoblastoma, a malignant tumor that was bleeding in her liver. Peyton faced four rounds of chemotherapy before her initial surgery, which itself took 9 hours.  Since her diagnosis Peyton has spent most of her 15 months of life in and out of our Children's Hospital of Georgia. Thankfully, the tumor has been removed and little Peyton is on the road to recovery.