Contact Us
Here to Serve You
The physicians and staff at Georgia Regents Medical Center Pediatric Cardiothoracic office are committed to making your child's health care experience convenient and problem free.
Please contact any of the leaders below if you need assistance before, during or after your visit with us. Simply call.

Administrative Director
James A. Mumford

Ruth Wilson, RN, MHS, CPN Practice Site Coordinator

Medical Director
Dr. David Flannery |
If you have questions or would like more information, please call the Pediatric Cardiothoracic office at 706-721-5621 or 706-721-5527.
For appointments, referrals or more information, please contact the Georgia Regents Medical Center Referral Center
at 706-721-KIDS (5437), or request an appointment online.
To find our office, please see the maps and directions.