Surgery: Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
Date of Surgery: January 2013
Weight Loss Since Surgery: 115 pounds

Rich had struggled with his weight for more than 30 years. He had tried everything, diets, over-the-counter medications, group programs, the gym, but nothing seemed to last. The roller coaster weight loss program was driving him mad. In December 2011 Rich's father went through several weight-related medical issues and he knew he was headed down the same path. At a weight of 289 pounds he finally said enough is enough and contacted the Georgia Regents Center for Obesity & Metabolism. After undergoing Gastric Bypass surgery Rich has now lost 115 pounds. The weight loss has allowed him to increase his exercise routine and participate in several triathalons and running events. Rich says, "My cholesterol is great, I no longer need my CPAP machine, my resting heart rate is hovering around 50 bpms, my knees no longer hurt, and I feel awesome!"