Check, Please
Making the most of your annual checkup

Check, Please Article Image

Too busy to get an annual checkup? Think again. “Your annual checkup helps keep you—and hence your family—running smoothly,” said Dr. Kelli Braun, a gynecologist with Georgia Regents Women’s Health. Follow these tips to make the most of your time with your doctor.
Prepare (and bring!) a list of questions. An annual exam is your time to ask about any health concerns you might have.

Review your family's health history. When addressing your personal health concerns, doctors often need to know more about your family's medical history. Take stock of your family’s medical history before your appointment so you and your doctor can tackle potential health concerns.

Ask about future exams. Your annual appointment is the ideal time to schedule other exams, such as a colon cancer screening or mammogram.

Anticipate future concerns. If you have set any future health goals – losing weight, quitting smoking, lowering cholesterol — now is the time to discuss these with your doctor.

Is it Time for a Screening?
Talk to your doctor about how often these and other screening tests should be done.
20s and Beyond    Blood pressure; diabetes (if you have high blood pressure);
                                cervical cancer; pelvic exam
30s and beyond    Cholesterol (check with your doctor)
40s and beyond    Breast cancer (check with your doctor)
50s and beyond    Breast cancer; colon cancer
60s and beyond    Osteoporosis help.

More than just Gynelogical Care
Georgia Regents Women’s Health offers the widest range of women’s health services in the area. To find out more, call (706) 721-2273 (CARE) or visit


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