Health education promotes healthy behaviors, supports recovery and a speedy return to function, and enables patients to be involved in decisions about their own care. JCAHO Standards on Patient and Family Education define a systematic approach to meeting the educational needs of each patient. Documentation is the key to coordinating and defining the education provided to the patient. This web site has been developed to provide Georgia Regents Medical Center staff with easy access to patient education information. The items listed with (Health Information) refer to the StayWell Health Information Library.

Alphabetical List
Click on one of the letters below to view the alphabetical list of Adult Patient Education

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  J  K  L  M  N  Q  R  S  T  V  W  X  Y  Z


Acute Spinal Cord Injury (Health Information)
ADHD - Adult
Adult Wellness
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) (Health Information)
AIDS/HIV (Health Information)
Allergy (Health Information)
ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Health Information)
Alzheimer's Disease (Health Information)
Amenorrhea (Health Information)
Anatomy of the Female Pelvic Area (Health Information)
Anatomy of a Joint (Health Information)
Anemia (Health Information)
Angina Pectoris (Health Information)
Animal Bites and Rabies (Health Information)
Ankylosing Spondylitis (Health Information)
Anxiety Disorders (Health Information)
Appendicitis (Health Information)
Apnea - Sleep
Arrhythmias (Health Information)
Art, Dance and Music (Health Information)
Arthritis (Health Information)
Asthma (Health Information)
Asthma Attacks
Atherosclerosis (Health Information)
Atrial Fibrillation (Health Information)
Autopsy (Health Information)


Baby Congratulations
Bathing Instructions for Periop
    Above the Neck
    Below the Neck
Bell's Palsy (Health Information)
Benign Breast Conditions (Health Information)
Benign Bone Tumors (Health Information)
Benign Lumps - Breast Health (Health Information)
Bicyle / In-Line Skating / Skateboarding Safety (Health Information)
Bland Diet
Bilary Disorders (Health Information)
Biliary System (Health Information)
Biofeedback (Health Information)
Biopsy (Health Information)
Blood Banking (Health Information)
Blood Clotting (Health Information)
Blood Disorders (Health Information)
Blood Pressure Home Monitor
Blood Pressure Reading
Blood Transfusions (Health Information)
Body Movement (Health Information)
Bone Cancers (Health Information)
Bone Disorders (Health Information)
Bone Disorders Treatments (Health Information)
Brain Anatomy (Health Information)
Brain Tumors (Health Information)
Breast Augmentation
Breast Cancer (Health Information)
Breastfeeding: A Parents Guide
Breastfeeding your Sick Baby
Breast Health (Health Information)
Breast Infections and Inflammations (Health Information)
Breast Pain (Health Information)
Breast Reduction
Bronchitis - Acute
Bronchitis - Chronic
Bruxism (Health Information)
Bursitis (Health Information)

Cancer - Lung
Cancer Center - Pain
Cancer Rehabilitation (Health Information)
Carbohydrate Counting
Caregiver Stress
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Health Information)
Car Safety (Health Information)
Cardiac Conditions (Health Information)
Cardiac Nuclear Imaging
Cardiac Rehabilitation (Health Information)
Cardiac Sarcoma (Health Information)
Cardiomyopathy (Health Information)
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - CPR (Health Information)
Cardiovascular Center Patient Education handouts
Cardiovascular DIseases
(Health Information)
Cast Care
Cataract (Health Information)
Clinical Chemistry (Health Information)
Chemosensory Disorders (Health Information)
Chest Pain / Heart Attack Symptoms (Health Information)
Chickenpox (Varicella) (Health Information)
Child Hear and Talk (How does your child hear and talk?)
Chinese Medicine (Health Information)
Chiropractic Medicine (Health Information)
Choking and the Heimlich Maneuver (Health Information)
Chronic Cancer Pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Health Information)
Clear Liquid Diet
Colonoscopy (visicol prep)
Colonoscopy (Clear Liquid Diet)
Colonoscopy Prep with Colyte/Nulyte
Colonoscopy Prep with Dulcolax followed by Colyte/Nulyte
Colonoscopy Prep with Fleets Phospho Soda
Colonoscopy Prep with Magnesium Citrate and Dulcolax
Colorectal Cancer (Health Information)
Common Cold
Common Cold (Health Information)
Complementary & Alternative Medicine (Health Information)
Congential Heart Defects (Health Information)
Congestive Heart Failure
Contact Lenses (Health Information)
Corn-Free Diet
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
Corrective Eye Surgery for Refractive Errors (Health Information)
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery (Health Information)
CT Scan-Information about your
Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis - Diet

The Patient Taking Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
Cytology (Health Information)

Dairy-Free Diet
Dehydration and Heat Stroke (Health Information)
Dermatology (Health Information)
Dermatological Procedures (Health Information)
Diabetes - Eating Out
Diabetes Guidelines
Diabetic Meal Plan-Sample 
Diabetes Snacking
Diabetic Retinopathy (Health Information)
Diarrhea Diet
Diet and Nutrition
Dietary Supplements

Digestive Disorders (Health Information)
Diphteria (Health Information)
Dobutamine Stress Echocardiogram
Drug-Food and Drug-Nutrient Interactions
Dysmenorrhea (Health Information)

Ear, Nose and Throat (Health Information)
Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders (Health Information)
Eating Disorders (Health Information)
E. coli (Health Information)
EEG Test for Sleep Lab
Egg-Free Diet
Electromagnetic Therapy (Health Information)
Elder Care (Health Information)
Emergency Information Form (Health Information)
Emphysema - Pulmonary
Endocrinology (Health Information)
Endoscopy (Special Procedures)
Endoscopy (Doctor's Letter)
Environmental Medicine (Health Information)
Epilepsy and Seizures (Health Information)
Escherichia coli (Health Information)
Esophageal Cancer (Health Information)
Eye - Anatomy of the (Health Information)
Eye Care (Health Information)
Eye Exams (Health Information)
Eye Glasses and Contact Lenses (Health Information)
Exercise (Health Information)


Facelift - Patient Following Facelift
Falls and Fracture prevention
Fast Food Fix
Fetal Kick Counts

Fibrocystic Breast Changes (Health Information) 
Fire Safety (Health Information)
Firearms Safety (Health Information)
First-Aid Kit (Health Information)
Flex Sigmoidoscopy Prep with Fleet's Enemas AM Procedure
Flex Sigmoidoscopy Prep with Fleet's Enemas for Afternoon Procedure
Flex Sigmoidoscopy Prep with Magnesium Citrate and Dulcolax
Fluoroscopy Exam-Information about your
Food Allergies (Health Information)
Food Allergies
Frostbite (Health Information)

Gallstones (Health Information)
German Measles (Rubella) (Health Information)
Giardiasis (Health Information)
GI Procedures
Glaucoma (Health Information)
Gout (Health Information)
Grief and Loss (Health Information)
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (Health Information)
Gynecologic Conditions (Health Information)
Gynecologic Inflammations and Infections (Health Information)
Gynecological Cancers (Health Information)
Gynecological Health (Health Information)

Hair Problems (Health Information)
Halitosis - Bad Breath (Health Information)
Hand Washing
Headache (Health Information)
Head Injury (Health Information)
Health and Wellness Screening List
Healthy Grocery List
Hearing and Speech Devices (Health Information)
Hearing Disorders (Health Information)
Heart Attack (Recovering from)
Heart Attack (Warning Signs)
Heart Attack - What is (Health Information)
Heart Catheterizaton
Heart Center (Health Information)
Heart Failure (What is Heart Failure)
Heimlich Maneuver (Health Information)
Hematology (Health Information)
Hemochromatosis (Health Information)
Herbal Medicine (Health Information)
Herniated Disc (Health Information)
Herpes Zoster (Shingles) (Health Information)
Hickman Catheter
High Blood Pressure Basics
High Blood Sugar
Hemotology & Blood Disorders
(Health Information)
HIV/AIDS (Health Information)
Holter Monitor
Homeopathy (Health Information)
Home Health (Health Information)
Hospice Care (Health Information)
Household Safety Checklist (Health Information)
Human Bites (Health Information)
Hypnosis (Health Information)
Hypothermia (Health Information)
Hysterectomy (Health Information)

Imagery (Health Information)
Immune System (Health Information)
Immunizations (Health Information)
Immunology & Serology (Health Information)
Infant Pain: A Parent's Guide
Infectious Arthritis (Health Information)
Infectious Diseases (Health Information)
Infectious Mononucleosis (Health Information)
Influenza (Health Information)
Influenza (Flu)
Inhalers and Nebulizers (Health Information)
Insect Bites (Health Information)
Intermettent Self Catherization

Interstitial Lung Diseases - Pulmonary Fibrosis
Iron Dextran Infusion
Iron Dextran Infusion Home Care Instructions


Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (Health Information)


Kidney Transplant (Health Information)
Kidney Transplant Homecare Instructions
Kidney Transplant - Post Diet


Language Disorders
Laryngeal Cancer (Health Information)
Latex Allergy Booklet
Leg Jerks
Leukemias (Health Information)
Liver (Health Information)
Liver, Biliary and Pancreatic Disorders (Health Information)
Liver Biopsy (Health Information)
Liver Disorders (Health Information)
Low Back Pain (Health Information)
Low Blood Sugar - Treating
Low Vision Devises 
Lumpectomy without Node
Lung Cancer (Health Information)
Lupus (Health Information)
Lyme Disease (Health Information)
Lymphoma (Health Information)

Malaria (Health Information)
Mammogram - Information about your
Massage (Health Information)
Mastectomy (Modied Radical)
Measles (Health Information)
Meningitis (Health Information)
Menopause (Health Information)
Menorrhagia (Health Information)
Men's Health (Health Information)
Menstrual Cycle (Health Information)
Menstrual Conditions (Health Information)
Mental Health Disorders (Health Information)
Milk-Free Diet
Children’s Hospital of Georgia
Georgia Regents Medical Center Rehabilitation Services
Microbiology (Health Information)
Momonucleosis (Health Information)
Mood Disorders (Health Information)
Mouth Infections (Health Information)
MRI scan-Information about your
MRSA information from CDC
Multiple Sclerosis  (Health Information)
Mumps (Health Information)
Muscular Dystrophy (Health Information)
Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation (Health Information)


Nasal Irrigations
Naturopathy (Health Information)
Nebulizers and Inhalers
Nervous System Disorders (Health Information)
Neurocutaneous Syndromes (Health Information)
Neurological Disorders (Health Information)
Neurological Rehabilitation (Health Information)
Neurological Disorders Tests and Procedures (Health Information)
Neurosurgery Post-Operative Instruction Sheet
Nipple Problems and Discharge (Health Information)
Non-Traumatic Emergencies (Health Information)
Nuclear Medicine Scan -Information about your
Nutrition and Diet


Occupational Lung Diseases
Occupational Therapy
Orthopaedic Surgery (Health Information)
Common Orthopaedic Disorders (Health Information)
Oral Cancer (Health Information)
Oral Health (Health Information)
Osteoarthritis (Health Information)
Otolaryngology (Health Information)

Pacemakers (Health Information)
Pain (Understanding Your Pain)
Pain (Epidural Analgesia)
Pain (Non Pharmacologic)
Pain Control (options)(IV PCA)
Pain Management
Pain Management (Overview)
Pancreatic Disorders (Health Information)
Parkinson's Disease (Health Information)
Pathology (Health Information)
Pathology Screening Tests (Health Information)
Parathyroid Gland Disorders (Health Information)
PCA Pump
Peanut Sensitivity Diet
Pelvis, Spine and Shoulder Disorders (Health Information)
Pericarditis (Health Information)
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
Periodontal Diseases (Health Information)
Periop bathing instructions for above the neck
Periop bathing insturctions for below the neck
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Personality Disorders (Health Information)
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) (Health Information)
PET/CT Scan-Information about your
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Health Information)
Physical Therapy
Pigmentation Disorders (Health Information)
Plastic Surgery (Health Information)
Pneumonia (Health Information)
Poliomyelitis (Polio) (Health Information)
Polycythemia (Health Information)
Posion Prevention
Post Arteriogram
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) (Helath Information)
Prenatal Handouts
    First visit
    Weeks 8-12
    Weeks  12-16
    Weeks 16-20
    Weeks 20-24|
    Weeks 24-28
    Weeks 28-32
    Weeks 32-36
    Weeks 36-40
Preparing for Surgery
Pressure Ulcers

Preventing Caregiver Stress
Preventing Pressure Ulcers
Preventing Falls (Health Information)
Prevention of Falls and Fractures
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

Prostate Cancer (Health Information)
Prostate Health (Health Information)
PSG Test for Sleep Lab
Psoriatic Arthritis (Health Information)
Pulmonary Embolism
Pulmonary Fibrosis - Interstitial Lung Diseases
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary Rehabilitation (Health Information)
Pulmonary Sarcoidosis

  Quit Smoking


Rabies (CDC content)
Radical Mastectomy

Radiology Tests and Procedures:

Information about your CT Scan
Information about your Fluoroscopy Exam
Information about your Mammogram
Information about your MRI scan
Information about your Nuclear Medicine Scan
Information about your PET/CT Scan
Information about your Ultrasound Scan

Rashes (Health Information)
Raynaud's Phenomenon (Health Information)
Reactive Arthritis - Reiter's Syndrome (Health Information)
Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (Health Information)
Recovering From Heart Attack
Recreational Water Illnesses (CDC Information)
Refractive Errors (Health Information)
Rehabilitaton (Health Information)
Remicade Therapy
Respiratory Distress - Signs
Respiratory Infections - Upper
Respiratory System Anatomy (Health Information)
Respiratory Online Resources (Health Information)
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) (Health Information)
Retinitis Pigmentosa (Health Information)
Rheumatic Heart Disease (Health Information)
Rheumatoid Arthritis (Health Information)
RLS - Restless Legs Syndrome (Health Information)
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Health Information)
Rubella (German Measles) (Health Information)

Safer Surgery Tips
Salmonella Infections (Health Information)
Scars (Health Information)
Schizophrenia (Health Information)
Scleroderma (Health Information)
Seizures (Health Information)
Serology & Immunology (Health Information)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) (Health Information)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Health Information)
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) (Health Information)
Shoulder, Spine and Pelvis Disorders (Health Information)
Sickle Cell Disease-Adult
Silent Reflux
Skin Cancer (Health Information)
Skin Disorders (Health Information)
Skin Growths (Health Information)
Skin Infections (Health Information)
Skin Inflammation (Health Information)
Skin Injury (Health Information)
Skin Sweating Disorders (Health Information)
Skin Tests (Health Information)
Sleep Apnea
Sleep Problems
Sleep Tips for Shift Work
Smell and Taste Disorders (Health Information)
Smoking Cessation information
Smoking Information in Spanish

Snake Bites (Health Information)
Soy-Sensitivity Diet
Speech and Voice Disorders (Health Information)
Spine, Shoulder and Pelvis Disorders (Health Information)
Spirometers (Health Information)
Sports Injuries (Health Information)
Sports Safety (Health Information)
STD Prevention (CDC Information)
Stomach Cancer (Health Information)
   Let’s Talk About Risk Factors for Stroke
   Let’s Talk About Stroke, TIA and Warning Signs
   Let’s Talk About High Blood Pressure and Stroke
   Let’s Talk About Changes Caused by Stroke
   Let’s Talk About Emotional Changes After Stroke
   Let’s Talk About Stroke and Aphasia
   Let’s Talk About Stroke and Rehabilitation
   Let’s Talk About Living at Home After Stroke
   Let’s Talk About the Stroke Family Caregiver
   Let’s Talk About Hemorrhagic Strokes and Their Causes
Stroke (Brain Attack) (Health Information)
Substance Abuse (Health Information)
Sunburn (Health Information)
Sun Safety (Health Information)
Surgical Pathology (Health Information)
Surgery (Preparing for)
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - Lupus (Health Information)

Taste and Smell Disorders (Health Information)
Temporomandibular Disorder - TMD (Health Information)
Tendonitis (Health Information)
Tetanus (Health Information)
Thalassemia (Health Information)
Thrombocythemia (Health Information)
Tips for Safer Surgery
Thyroid Disorders (Health Information)
Tobacco Free information
Trauma Patient
Transesophageal Echocardiogram
Transplant - Kidney Transplant Homecare Instructions
Travel Medicine (Health Information)
Traveler's Health (CDC)
Tobacco Use Information for OB Patients
Tooth Decay (Health Information)
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) (Health Information)
Tuberculosis (TB) (Health Information)


Ultrasound Scan-Information about your
Unna Boot

VAC Therapy
Viral Hepatitus (Health Information)
Visicol Preprepration for Colonoscopy
Vital Signs (Health Information)
Vocal Cord Disorders (Health Information)
Voice and Speech Disorders (Health Information)

The Patient Taking Warfarin (Coumadin)
Warning Signs of a Heart Attack
Water Safety (Health Information)
Well Water Quality (CDC Information)
West Nile Virus (Health Information)
What is a Heart Attack?
Wheat-Sensitivity Diet
Whooping Cough (Pertussis) (Health Information)
I-Health for Women
Women's Healthcare (Health Information)
Work Place Safety and Health (CDC Information)

You Can Quit Smoking