Immunization Quiz

Vaccines have made certain childhood diseases rare in this country. Find out more about vaccines by taking this quiz.

1. The first vaccine developed was against smallpox.
2. To offer the widest protection against a particular disease such as measles or diphtheria, at least 90 percent of children should be immunized.
3. Vaccines work by teaching your immune system to know what the real infection looks like.
4. Some vaccines against bacterial infections contain inactivated toxins that those bacteria produce.
5. The yearly flu vaccine is recommended only for people 50 and older.
6. Besides an annual flu shot, adults also need a booster for tetanus and diphtheria every 10 years.
7. One of the newest vaccines available protects women against cervical cancer.
8. Fever and soreness at the site of the injection are two mild reactions that may occur after a vaccination.