Can You Control Workplace Interruptions?

Having trouble concentrating on important tasks at work because of frequent interruptions? If so, knowing how to control and avoid them can increase your productivity. Here is a quiz to help you assess your knowledge of how to deal with interruptions.

1. It's efficient to check your e-mail every time you get a message.
2. You should always work with your office door open.
3. If part of your job involves frequent consultation with your staff or coworkers, schedule a specific time on your calendar for those meetings each day.
4. Stand up to talk when someone comes into your office uninvited.
5. If someone comes into your office with something important to discuss, ask the person to give you a few minutes, then go to his or her office.
6. Arrange your desk and chair so you're not in full view of casual passersby.
7. Have a comfortable chair for visitors in your office.
8. If someone with a problem or a question walks into your office uninvited, ignore them.
9. Always answer your phone, even if you're working on an important project.