Take the Lips Quiz

Lips are for...talking and smooching and eating. Yes, they're important, but do you know how to take good care of your lips? Take this quiz to find out.

1. Your lips are part of your skin, but why do you need to treat them differently from the rest of your epidermis?
2. What is the best way to protect your lips from the sun's damaging rays?
3. Other than skin cancer, what effects can sun overexposure have on lips?
4. When is sun protection for your lips important?
5. Cold sores, or fever blisters, are caused by herpes simplex I, a virus present in many adults. Which of the following is NOT known to trigger an outbreak?
6. Chapped lips aren't the only ailment that can occur from neglected lips. What other conditions can occur?
7. Which of the following can cause lip irritation?
8. As we age, what does NOT happen to our lips?
9. Which of the following prescription drug side effects should lip balm be used to combat?