What Do You Know About Prostate Health?
Prostate cancer and other diseases of the prostate are common. Learning about these diseases can help you recognize problems. You can then seek medical treatment right away.
1. The prostate is under your bladder. It is made up of glands, ducts, and muscle fibers.
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The prostate is part of a man's reproductive system. It makes fluid that carries sperm.
2. This year, 10,000 American men will die from prostate cancer and 100,000 new cases will be diagnosed.
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In 2012, about 242,000 new cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed. About 28,000 men died of the disease, according to the American Cancer Society (ACS).
3. Prostate cancer is always fatal.
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Finding prostate cancer early and getting treatment right away can often cure or control the disease.
4. A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level that's higher than normal always means prostate cancer.
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This test isn't always accurate because other conditions may raise the PSA, the ACS says.
5. African- American men and men with a history of prostate cancer in their families have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.
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Prostate cancer occurs about 60% more often in African-American men than in white American men. Having a father or brother with prostate cancer more than doubles a man's risk of developing this disease. So an African-American man with a family history of prostate cancer has 2 major risk factors and is at an even higher risk.
6. Keeping an eye on a slow-growing cancer is one treatment for prostate cancer.
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Other treatments include surgery to take out the prostate, radiation therapy, and hormone therapy. If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, your health care provider may refer you to a specialist for treatment. Specialists who treat prostate cancer are urologists, urologic oncologists, and medical oncologists, as well as radiation oncologists, the National Cancer Institute says.
7. The most important risk factor for prostate cancer is getting older.
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The ACS says about 2 out of 3 of all prostate cancers are diagnosed in men older than 65.
8. If your PSA is abnormal, you will need to see a specialist. The specialist may do more testing to see if you have prostate cancer. The tests may include a prostate biopsy.
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One test your doctor may order is a prostate biopsy. The doctor will take a small amount of tissue from your prostate to check for cancer cells, the ACS says.
9. Many men have a prostate infection or prostatitis at some time in their lives.
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See your doctor if you have any symptoms of a prostate infection. Symptoms include frequent or difficult urination, an urgent need to urinate, pain in your lower back and in the area between the rectum and the testicles, pain or a burning sensation while urinating, or blood in the urine.
10. Most men get an enlarged prostate or benign prostate hyperplasia by age 80.
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More than half of men in their 60s, and as many as 90% in their 70s and 80s, have some symptoms of BPH, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
11. Early symptoms for an enlarged prostate are the same as those for prostate cancer. These include blood in urine and impotence.
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These are symptoms of advanced prostate cancer. Prostate cancer in the early stages has few or no symptoms. Depending on what parts of the body it spreads to, prostate cancer symptoms may include bone pain, weight loss, fatigue, and shortness of breath.
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