Physical Therapy
Physical therapists specialize in developing and/or re-training muscle strength and flexibility for movement. At Georgia Regents Medical Center, our physical therapists evaluate and treat babies in the NICU, infants and pediatrics in the Children’s Hospital of Georgia and adults of all ages in the main hospital. They are highly skilled in dealing with traumas as well as minor injuries or conditions. Members of the PT staff have specialized skills in wound care, balance disorders, serial casting and splinting and lymphedema management. For our patients, regardless of age or diagnosis, this means help is available in fall prevention; movement-whether it be in bed, wheelchair or walking; sitting and/or standing balance; non-healing ulcers; post mastectomy exercises; post amputation care; and help with assistive devices such as canes, walkers wheelchairs.
Physical therapy provides 7 day/week coverage for inpatients and is available for outpatient treatments Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Our adult therapists can be reached at 706-721-2481 and our pediatric therapists can be reached at 706-721-5222.
More Info: American Physical Therapy Association
For appointments, referrals or more information, please call:
(706) 721-2273 (CARE)
800-736-CARE (2273)
Request an appointment online.