Family Medicine Practice Site
Welcome New Patients
We welcome you as a new patient to Family Medicine Practice Site. To help ensure your first visit is smooth and worry-free, we have provided some useful information and recommendations below.
To find our office, please see the maps and directions provided. Here you will find driving directions to Georgia Regents Medical Center, tips for parking and directions for locating the practice site once you've arrived.
Tips for your physician visit:

- Allow plenty of extra time to arrive for your appointment. Arriving 15 minutes before your first visit is always a good idea.
- Please bring a complete list of your current medications and dosage with you to your appointment.
For your convenience, a downloadable Medication Form is available here.
Simply print the form, fill in your list of current medications and bring it with you to your appointment.
- Bring a list of your know allergies
- Bring your insurance, Medicare or Medicaid cards.
- Bring a photo ID.
- Bring proof of residency.
- Co-pays are expected at the time of appointment.
- Overnight bag if you are expecting to get admitted
- If you are going in for surgery you might not be able to eat or drink beforehand
- Parking for patients is in the 15th Street Parking Deck
Important phone numbers:
- (Information):706-721-0211
- (Emergency Room):706-721-4951
- 7S (Medical): 706-721-1584
- 5W (General Medicine): 706-721-2472
- 6N: 706-721-6622
- 6S: 706-721-2648
- 4W (Orthopaedics): 706-721-3264
- 7W (OB): 706-721-2488
- 7W (Labor & Delivery): 706-721-2687
- Pastoral Care: 706-721-2929
- Patient Visitors Guide
Advanced Directives
An advanced directive is a document in which patients can explain the type and extent of health care services they prefer if they become unable to make medical decisions. The document may identify another person who can make those decisions on behalf of the individual. Such medical care could include routine treatments and life-saving methods. Advance directives are frequently called living wills.