Georgia Regents Neuroscience Center Practice Sites
Directions to Our Locations
The Georgia Regents Neuroscience Center has three physician practice locations.
Once at Georgia Regents Medical Center, here is how to find our three practice sites.

Adult Outpatient Clinic
Medical Office Building, 4th floor
1447 Harper Street
Augusta, GA 30912

Pediatric Outpatient Clinic
Georgia Children's Medical Center, 2nd floor
1446 Harper Street
Augusta, GA 30912

Neurology Building
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Clinic and Neuro Psych
905 15th Street
Augusta, GA 30912
PDF of GRHealth Campus
Please call (706) 721-2273 (CARE) to schedule a convenient appointment or request an appointment online. If you have questions or would like more information on any of the Neuroscience practice sites, please call the Neuroscience Center at 706-721-4581.