Physicians Practice Group
On behalf of our staff, physicians, and patient advisors, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the web site of the Medical Associates Patient and Family Advisory Council. Our mission is to improve medical care and make the care experience better for all patients seen by the doctors at Georgia Regents Health System, and to address concerns about your care experience at Georgia Regents Health System. Please take time to review our website for information about the activities of the Council. Medical Associates

Dr. David Flannery
phone: 706-721-2809
email: [email protected]
- Revised the letter Medical Associates sends to patients whose accounts are past due but have not yet gone to collections.
- Completed an analysis and commentary on access issues. Information exchange included discussion of the Medical Associates Concierge Center, the Medical Associates Patient Service Center, and the Georgia Regents Health System Call Center.
- Waiting room greetings and updates were discussed and a protocol was sent to Georgia Regents Health System ambulatory care leadership for further discussion with ambulatory care practice site patient/family advisory groups.
- Provided input into the Medical Associates letter sent to patients that have failed to show for two or more appointments.
- Worked on issues during hand-offs in patient care. Various scenarios included: Outpatient/ Inpatient change of physician provider, Emergency Medicine Change of Physician, Inpatient Change of Unit, Anesthesiology Prop to Operation.
- Made Recommendations to include identification of the patient's family member and interacting with the family member into the "PAMPER" policy regarding hand-offs in care. This recommendation was implemented as Georgia Regents Health System policy
- P - Patient clinical status - diagnosis, demographics, vital signs, DNR status, social issues, religious/ care issues
- A - Allergies - medication and other type allergies
- M - Medications - current medications, last given, precautions needed prior to next dose
- P - Precautions/Safety - Isolation status, Fall Status, risk of skin breakdown
- E - Equipment and special needs - oxygen, bariatric equipment, pacemaker, drains, lines, traction, blood administration
- R - Response - from care provider taking over care of the patient (Question and Answer Time)
- This council met with Dr. Alvin Head, Chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine and other anesthesiology leaders regarding a preoperative evaluation and anesthetic management. Dr. Head implemented a full-time preoperative position which aids in the management of anesthesia hand-offs.